DC Motor Speed Controller Troubleshooting

DC Speed Controller

The Motor Speed Controller works by getting a 12V signal from the circuit board to give a specified amount of voltage to the motor based on the selected mode.

During troubleshooting if you are trying to evaluate a speed controller, this chart is a helpful resource to refer to to ensure the correct signal is being given to the speed controller. If you are getting the correct signal from the circuit board, but not outputting the correct voltage consistently, even after dialing in with magnets, it likely means that your speed controller needs to be replaced.


Note that the wire color coding and terminals connected to can vary with system model. Refer to a wiring diagram to confirm your setup.


Motor Speed Controller Expected Values (based on NP, CT Connect Systems)

Motor Speed Controller Expected Values (based on NP 400 MK2 MPC system)

The output to the motor can be adjusted using two magnetic reed switches on the speed controller. For more details on that, see Adjusting the DC Motor Speed Controller